Recent events show us the potential of the implementation of an Agreement that places victims at the center. It is also, certainly, an opportunity to renew the commitment to persevere, every day, towards the consolidation of peace. And as stated by the Secretary General, this is an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come in this first third of the timeframe envisioned for its implementation, and on how much remains to be achieved. We are nearing the fifth anniversary of the landmark Final Peace Agreement between the Colombian State and the former FARC-EP.

President, distinguished Members of the Council, Women whose voices speak of the challenges facing ethnic groups in conflict-affected regions, as well as of their daily struggle to build peace. I am also very pleased to be accompanied by indigenous leader Daniela Soto and Afro-Colombian leader Bibiana Peñaranda. President, to be here today in the company of Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez.
They go out of their way to help, to provide you with quality information, to let you know how proud they are of their country and to show you things you could’ve easily missed.Thank you for the opportunity to present the latest report of the Secretary-General on Colombia and to update you on important developments since the issuance of the report.

What makes riding a motorcycle through Colombia such a magical experience, is the interactions with the locals. The people! Colombians are wonderful people! Despite the history of violence we keep a positive attitude towards life and our hospitality knows no limits. The heartwarming and welcoming nature of the people. The diversity in terms of climate and geography. For a motorcycle rider the contagiousness comes from different places: 1.The jaw dropping landscapes laden with twisty routes. This country is contagious, in the best sense possible. More than one has fell in love with a Colombian and extended their trip forever. Many of the riders I have met, that have travelled through the country, have found themselves extending by weeks and sometimes months their visit. But this same sentiment is shared with countless of non-Colombian motorcyclists I have had the pleasure of sharing riding stories with. I am Colombian so you might think my opinion is biased, granted. No country compares to riding a motorcycle in Colombia. You will experience all this in less time than it would take you to search in Google: Is Colombia safe? Mountain passes, river valleys, African-like savannahs, deserts, lush jungles, oceans, sun, rain, exotic fruits and so much more. What you see today, will be completely different from tomorrow. If you have one week of vacation you will be able to ride through landscapes so diverse day after day, that by the end you will have thought you rode an entire continent. Because we sit just north of the equator we are blessed with 365 days of perfect riding weather, no harsh winters just a couple of rainy months out of the year.įew places I know offer endless twisty roads and perfect weather all year round. The majestic Andes arrive to Colombia and split into three separate ranges (western, central and eastern) covering most of the territory with countless mountains and valleys, making it a dream destination for twisty loving motorcycle riders. From sandy white beaches to snow covered mountains in an area 2 thirds the size of Alaska. And if it does, here at ELEPHANT, we will be waiting for you.Ĭolombia sits at the most northern tip of South America, where we are blessed with the best things the continent has to offer. Hopefully this will convince you to come and ride a motorcycle in Colombia. Hopefully this will make you want to share with skeptical friends. Hopefully this will help you change your perception and shed some light on the positive aspects of this country. A little bit about riding a motorcycle in this magnificent place I call home. Let me tell you a little bit about Colombia. A country where the risk of something terrible happening when visiting, was justifiably high.

Yet somehow, in the eyes and ears of many, we haven’t been able to shed the reputation of the most dangerous country in the world. Gone are the days of massive bombs going off in city centers, gone are the days when you couldn’t ride a motorcycle from one city to another, gone are the days when round the world travellers skipped Colombia on their transcontinental journeys.